Tuesday 2 December 2014

LibreOffice Calc

LibreOffice Calc
Heeey!!! How are you guys? Last day of Computer Science's class we did the exam off the new unit called Calc, it's a spreadsheet, It's like Excel in Windows, but there are some diferences, like that Excel cost money and Calc not, because it's free, of course, Excel has more options than Calc, because a free program, at normally, is not better than one where you have to pay.

A spreadsheet is a program for computers, and as with all things, there are different "brands". One from Windows, from LibreOffice, etc.
This sheet is squared, each square is called a cell. In hat cells you can write.
With thhis program you can do basic operations, like additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions; or more difficult things, like with 10 numbers selectionate the maxim one, etc.
These program, can made all this things automatically with some especifically codes.

Now you know what is a spreadsheet, and you are going to understand better what did my class and I with Calc. In total we did seven exercises that our teacher prepared to us.


 First activitiy:

In that activity we had to calculate how much does th picnic cost. That's the most easy activitie, because to calculate this you only had to multiplicate the price by the quantity and finally you had to add all things. 


In that activity you can make some triks, like, if you don't want to calculate each row you can "sweep along", it consists in do click into the right down corner and sweep algong the number of cells you want to copy the code that is into the first one. You must play atention because sometimes it's wrong. The majority of times that doesn't wotks is because is changing the cell. To change this and transform a normal cell into a permenent one, you must press: CNTRL+F4.

Second activity:
In that activity we must search the information of each country (GDP per capita and population). After that, we had to calculate the percentage of the average US$ that had the habitants from these country.

Third activity:

That activity was the same as the last one, but we add:

·The number of countries that there where.

·The maximum GDP per capita.

·The minimum GDP per capita.

·How many countries name start by "S".

·How many countries namecontent "an".

·How many countries end in "a".

Forth activity:

In that activity we must calculate:
· If each GDP per capita was Above or Under respect the average.
· Colour each GDP per capita green if its GDP it's Above the average or red if it's UNder it.
· Put a code that tells you how many countries have its GDP per capita above the limit, or below it.

Also in this activitie we did an extension where we must calculate how many countries are very poor, how many poor, how many that are in development, how many are rich and how many are very rich.

Fifth activity: 

This activity is about graphics, it's about how to create a bar code, or in circle form, etc.
And we had to create the next graphics:

Sixth activity:

This is the last activity we did before the exam. This is the most difficult, because we must to:

· Put a code that tells the day it is.
· Put our day  of birthday.
· Calculate how many days I have.
· Put a code that tells you a random number.
· Put a code that transforms roman numbers into arabic ones.
· Put a code that transforms arabic numbers into roman ones.
· Finally  we must to calculate series:

          Arithmetic series:
              · One that sume one to the quantity into the previous cell.
              · One that sume five to the quantity into the previous cell.
              · One that sume one hundred to the quantity into the previous cell.

          Geometric series:
              · One that multiplicates the quantity into the previous cell by two.
              · One that multiplicates the quantity into the previous cell by three.

          Date series:
              · One that sume one day to the date into the previous cell.
              · One that sume one month to the date into the previous cell.
              · One that sume one year to de date into the previous cell.
              · One that count all the labour days since the first date where the serie        started.

That's all folks!

I hope that you have learned a lot about this unit that I work into. I want to tell tu you that this kind of pregrams, the spreadsheets, are very usefull to many situations along your live, because you can make since a picnic list, etc., to to use it for accounts. If you are thinking abaut to be a secretary or a counting person, this will be very important to you.

See you in the next unit.

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