Monday 24 February 2014



I'm Rocio, and I'm going to tell you lots of things about the new unit I learned.
The new unit is "Writer", the program.
In this unit I managed the program thoroughly, I used all, or nearly all the options that it has.
 We did some exercises, that helped us to better manage this program, there were nine exercises, in each exercise, at the top, were some instructions to do it without mistakes.The exercises were the following:


-Exercise 1: This exercise is the easiest and you can do it in more or less 5 minutes. You only need to imitate the Google logo with special
 colours and a similar type of letter. 

In this exercise you haven't any information about the unit.

-Exercise 2: This one is more complicated than the first one, but is very easy too.
In it you need to change
the type of letter, make a Style of Formatting, to make it faster and easier. Also you change the style of the letter (Bold, Italic and Underline one), and the colour.
It talks to you about Ubuntu (in general).

- Exercise 3: In exercise 3 we learned to rotate the text, underline the sentences, etc.
In this one it teaches you about the Ubuntu variants.

- Exercise 4: The fourth exercise is only to use the different options of the program for change the style of the word/sentence/paragraph/text.

(This exercise has no information about the unit)


 -Exercise 5: Here you have to frame the text including the shadow. Also you have to use the Capital Letter option and change the colour of some words.

In this exercise you can learn about the history and the development of Ubuntu.

- Exercise 6: Well, this exercise is a bit difficult, because you need to frame the title and make (modify) news modems (using F11). Also you change the colour and the syle and type of lots of sentences and finally you frame more short texts.
This exercise explain to you a post from Nisshh, that is a blogger, titled Why I love Ubuntu.

- Exercise 7: In this exercise you must put the footer and the header of the page with the page number, count, etc. The rest of the exercise you had learned in the exercises before.

This exercise is a tutorial that tells to you the things you can do before installing Ubuntu in your computer.

- Exercise 8: This exercise is very simple because you only must insert a table and complete it, you need to put the header and the footer too.

This exerise is about the best distribution of linux.

This is the last exercise (Ufff...) in this one you must put the footer, the header,  insert a table, insert images and logos, insert a logo in the header, change the colour of the table, etc...

In this one you can learn a lot of linux distribution and its logos.

And that's it, I hope that you learned lots of things, like me and my classmates. Next computer science class I have the exam, so... 
WISH ME GOOD LOOCK (please!!!)

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