Friday 20 December 2013

My computer's science class

In my computer's science class (first trimester):
In this trimester I learned lots of things. These things are in the group of units that we are going to do this year, our teacher told us these groups at the beginning of the classes. There are five groups, but we only did the first one, HARDWARE and SOFTWARE.
In this unit, I learned lots of things, like the position of the different parts of the computer, their name and what are they used for. I learned the different generations of the computers,(like the mini, the micro, etc.). Now I know the connectors (the older and news ones) and I learned that there are different types of connectors, the most new, the 3.0 ones.
I did some activities related to the unit. To practice the computer's parts I simulated that I "needed a new computer", and I had a brief to fabricate one (the parts of the computer were separated). I did other activities, like look for some information about the unit or for photos and images.
 I don't prefer any activity. Some activities I think are more interesting or better than others, but in general I don't have a favourite activity.
I'm really happy with this subject.